Chocolate Zucchini Cake

chocolate zucchini cake recipe
Chocolate Zucchini Cake

When I got my bundt pan out to make this cake, I couldn't help thinking of this scene from My Big Fat Greek Wedding! 


This recipe for zucchini chocolate cake is from Mom On Timeout.  I made this cake for a potluck and everybody loved it.  One person even said it was the best cake they'd ever had!  The secret ingredients in this cake are zucchini and applesauce and they work together to make the cake really moist.  You can see the zucchini, but you can't really taste it.  Honestly, you just taste chocolate.  There's only seven tablespoons of cocoa powder in this cake, but it has such a deep chocolaty taste.   If you wanted to make the cake even healthier, you could leave out the chocolate chips and skip the frosting.  You'll still have a very moist, chocolaty cake.  I'm not recommending that you leave out the frosting though, because that frosting is fantastic!  Make this cake for your next get together or pot luck and I guarantee it will be a hit!

zucchini and tomato recipes

carrot zucchini bars with cream cheese frosting

Inspired by this pin for chocolate zucchini cake.


  1. Oh, this cake looks so rich and decadent! I made a Triple Chip Zucchini Spice cake a while ago, so I know how delicious zucchini and chocolate in a cake (with a hole in it) can be.
    I'm glad to follow you on Tasty Tuesdays!

  2. I made a similar recipe this really is fantastic.

  3. This is a beautiful and delicious looking cake!!

  4. I can not make a bundt cake without thinking of this movie. My family knows the whole scene by heart I've said every time I bring out the bundt pan LOL... Well, we all need zucchini recipe right about now so thank you for sharing a sweet one with us on foodie friday. I love how different is it than the typical zucchini bread.

    1. It's such a funny movie and one of my favorites!

  5. Ha! I always think of that scene when bundt cakes are around. Bundt pans hate me, I can never release a cake successfully....ever. Your cake looks delish, I have had chocolate zucchini cakes before - they are great. Stopping by from GetHimFed :)

    1. Thanks Kim! Bundt cakes give me trouble sometimes too. Just butter the pan really good before you pour the cake batter in. After the cake is out of the oven and has cooled slightly, go around the edges with a spatula to loosen the cake. It should come out of the pan with no problem.

  6. Looks so good! I had forgotten about that scene in My Big Fat Greek Wedding...good movie! :)

  7. YUM! Love chocolate cake!:) Looks good - saw you over on Anyonita Nibbles ;)

  8. Yum this looks delicious. I need to make one right now. :) I need to go get the recipe.

  9. This looks beautiful cake and looks delicious too! Pinnning!


  10. I make the same cake from a local NY State cookbook called Applehood and Mother Pie. It really is the BEST chocolate cake and I don't really like chocolate cake! Visiting from You're Gonna Love It Tuesday.

  11. Sounds yummy! I love using zucchini in baked goods, so moist. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Oh I would love this. Got to give this one a try. Thanks tons for joining Inspire Me. Hugs, Marty

  13. This looks so delicious! I like Zucchini Cake and Bread. I bet I would love the Chocolate Zucchini Cake. I am trying not to eat sugar and flour, but I save recipes for pitch-ins and family events.

  14. Big Fat Greek Wedding is one of my favorite movies! This cake looks great - my friend has a lot of zucchini to use up! Pinning this!


  15. Yum! Definitely making this with all of the zucchini I have coming out of my garden:)

  16. Looks so very yummy! A great way to get my kids some veggies :) Thanks so much for sharing at Share Your Stuff Tuesdays!!

  17. Ooh this might count as a vegetable! :) Thanks for sharing and that scene from the movie was a riot!

  18. Love that movie! Your cake looks amazing! I cannot wait to try this one out.

  19. Sounds delicious, can't wait to try this. TFS. I am now a follower of your blog and look forward to return visits. I invite you to join me as well on my blog at
    Hugs, Gayle.

  20. I can't think of a better way to eat vegetables :) Thanks for sharing at All My Bloggy Friends this week - I've shared this on Facebook!

  21. What an awesome looking cake. I love chocolate and zucchini, add a cup of coffee or wine and I'm set. Delicious. Thanks for sharing with us at our Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop.

    Angel @

  22. mmm thanks for sharing at Foodie Friday! I have a lot of Zucchini I need to use up!

  23. Wow! I never would have thought to put zucchini in a cake, but it sounds like it totally works! And it looks delicious!

  24. Thank you for sharing this recipe! From Diana's pin me linky.

  25. haha... OH gosh I love that movie! "You don't eat meat.. it's ok.. I make Lamb!" :) This cake looks and sounds amazing, I love zucchini in dessert, great recipe!

    Krista @ joyfulhealthyeats

  26. delish! Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop xo

  27. That is one of my favorite scenes in that movie. Makes me laugh every time! You know I am one of those crazy gals who doesn't like chocolate cake. However a piece of zucchini choc. cake tastes pretty darn good now and then. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  28. I think all veggies should be hidden in chocolate. Thanks for sharing at Wicked Good Wednesdays. Looks delicious!

  29. So yummy looking! Thanks for sharing at my Twirl & Take a Bow party. I'm doing a dessert recipe round-up tomorrow and I've included your cake. Stop by House on the Way to see it featured!

  30. That cake looks like it would just melt-in-your mouth!

  31. Cake looks great. We make a zucchini bread but that is like banana bread and very oily. I like the looks of this recipe. Take care, Linda

  32. That is one of my favorite scenes in the movie! And I love chocolate zucchini cake. Thanks for sharing at I Made It! Monday. Can't wait to see what you link up this week.

  33. This sounds delicious. LOVE the reference to the Big Fat Greek Wedding - we love that scene and quote it often! Too much fun! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,


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