Birthday Wish List

I've been told that I'm difficult to shop for.  Not any more, thanks to Pinterest!  With Pinterest, it's easy to let people know what you want.  Just make a wish list and start pinning.  It's easy for the giver too.  Just click the pin and it takes you right to the website.  Put the item in your shopping cart and you're done! (nope - Pinterest isn't paying me to write this!)

I made a wish list for my birthday and here's one of the items I received. 

Young House Love by Sherry & John Petersik
I first discovered Young House Love when I was painting cabinets in my bathroom and needed some help.  I googled "how to paint your cabinets" and landed here.  I loved their kitchen transformation and their paint recommendation solved my painting problem.  Young House Love is now one of my favorite blogs.  Sherry and John Petersik are the ultimate DIY-ers.  When I found out they were publishing their first book full of DIY home decorating ideas, I knew I wanted a copy for myself.  (nope - I'm not getting paid to promote their book!)   I immediately pinned it to my Books I Want to Read Pinterest board and my Birthday Wishes board.

Their book is as much fun to read as their blog.  There are so many great DIY ideas in this book and I can't wait to try some of them for myself.  My project list just got a lot longer!


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